Big Brother recap (Mon 17/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Mon 17/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 It’s nominations night and George has the superpower. Sonia Kruger welcomes us live in a white wrap around barely there, look-at-moi asymmetrical mini. Wowsers. She takes us...
Big Brother recap (Sun 16/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Sun 16/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Dramatic text with desaturated footage and crazy shapes on the screen. The colour scheme is red, which can only mean one thing… it’s another BIG BROTHER EVICTION!...
Big Brother recap (Fri 14/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Fri 14/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Coming up! Housemates are not comfortable with the Estelle and Ava relationship. Surprise surprise! Michael and Zoe are in the Captain’s Quarters, assessing the groups in...
Big Brother recap (Thu 13/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Thu 13/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Tonight, Ava’s making friends & enemies quick smart. There’s a new secret room. And anyone for cricket? Ava’s spent her first night in the BB house and...
Big Brother recap (Wed 12/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Wed 12/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Tonight, on Big Brother: Josh meets Ava, Everyone is surprised by Ava, and Ava, Ava, Ava. Ava’s learned already that the only way you get on the Daily Show is to shower in...
Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 12/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 12/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife – Wed/Thu 8pm, Ch9 Tonight on Farmer Wants A Wife – ominous music! People kissing! Rachel’s arm disappears into a cow! Stupid music plays… Paul’s still in the credits?? Is he going to get...