That's a lot of digits in front of the decimal...

After the spectacular success of the premiere episode of Winners and Losers all eyes are going to be on Channel 7 to see how the second and third eps perform – and not just in the ratings. What’s the buzz? What do “normal” people think? Has it resonated with the target demographic?

The two episodes last night ran amazingly short – for a show that was scheduled to finish at 10:30pm, to finish at 10:12pm and throw on a random episode of Cougar Town smells funny. A conspiracy theory is forming. What commercial network wouldn’t slide enough ads into two episodes of its latest and greatest to ensure income, etc. Certainly a LOT of eyes will have been on Ch7 to see if the story can maintain the momentum.

It did. Bec, Frances, Jenny & Sophie delivered everything we expected of newly reunited friends who just won 8 million dollars between them. They had a fight (and if the vibe on Twitter is any indication – that’s what all normal girls would have done, although most watching commenting wouldn’t have been as nice to share it again after the fact – ROWR). But, 40 minutes later, everyone was best of friends again. The real impact is the second tier characters – what will the money mean (and do) to them. It’s good to see those storylines are starting to develop (and keep an eye on what happens with Matt & Bec – even though the 3rd ep ended nicely, it’s all just beginning).

The relationship between the central four girls seemed a little forced until half-way through the second episode, then they just seemed to click. There is no story in them not looking like friends, so it’s important that they are convincing. The stand outs in the supporting cast are by far Jenny’s Mum & Dad (Denise Scott & Francis Greenslade) – superb choices and delivering their performances note perfect. Great cameo’s this week by Todd McKenney & Lawrence Mooney too.

Winners and Losers is definitely skewed at females, 18-39. As a guy, I can see that. The music reflects it. The set dressing and fashion reflect it. The music certainly reflects it (Colette’s Ring My Bell, anyone?!). As it develops we’ll see more of these things and more drama – it’s what the team delivering it do well.

It’s not rocket surgery… it’s TV. And it’s fun TV that pretty much anyone can enjoy. It will build and audience, and while it may not rate like Rafters (at least initially), it’ll certainly hold it’s own. Winners and Losers is, so far, all win.


Winners and Losers – Tue 8:30pm, Ch7.