#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Wed 15/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Wed 15/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 http://homes.ninemsn.com.au/theblock/ A fresh new night with the new promo – and it looks pretty animationally cool. It also assigns colours to our teams – but tonight it’s Keef’s show and...
#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Mon 13/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Mon 13/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 http://homes.ninemsn.com.au/theblock/ Time to check in with The Block: Sky High, or as I like to call it; The Block: Jenga Edition (Or, if you’re pressed for time, Blenga). Last night, the teams were given the...
#SurvivorCaramoan Finale recap (Mon 13/05/13)

#SurvivorCaramoan Finale recap (Mon 13/05/13)

Survivor: Caramoan – Fans v Favourites – Thu 7:30pm, GO! http://gochannel.com.au/SurvivorCaramoanFansVsFavorites FINALE R US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone begins to traipse back to camp, fresh from stabbing Brenda neatly between the shoulder blades. What should be a happy...
#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Sun 12/05/13)

#TheBlock #SkyHigh recap (Sun 12/05/13)

The Block Sky High – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Thu 7pm, Ch9 http://homes.ninemsn.com.au/theblock/ Everyone’s favourite Block is back, with more Blockheads and more Keef. How *will* we contain ourselves?! The “Ode To Joy” heralds a triumphant return to...
#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 25/04/13)

#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 25/04/13)

Survivor: Caramoan – Fans v Favourites – Thu 7:30pm, GO! http://gochannel.com.au/SurvivorCaramoanFansVsFavorites Anyone miss the Specialist? No? ME NEITHER! Enil Edam are back at camp after three immunity necklaces saved Reynold, Eddie and Malcolm, forcing Phillip and...
#SurvivorCaramoan Finale recap (Mon 13/05/13)

#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 18/04/13)

Survivor: Caramoan – Fans v Favourites – Thu 7:30pm, GO! http://gochannel.com.au/SurvivorCaramoanFansVsFavorites Ohhhhh finally it’s Thursday. Back at the beach, Stealth’R’Us have a super exclusive meeting to pat themselves on the back for getting rid of...