Big Brother recap (Tue 11/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Tue 11/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Tonight, Estelle, Angie & Ray are nominated. Josh adds to his harem. Angie & Estelle become friends. And the housemates become animals. There are post nomination hugs...
Big Brother recap (Mon 10/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Mon 10/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 It’s nominations night, which means a protracted Daily Show and then really poor reasons for nominations AND THEN apparently there will be an intruder go in the house. So...
Big Brother recap (Sun 09/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Sun 09/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 This week’s retrospective begins, crazy 3D text flashes past our faces and dramatic music. It’s EVICTION NIGHT! Sonia comes out of the eye, still no sound effect. Not...
Big Brother recap (Fri 07/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Fri 07/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Tonight on Big Brother: Ben declares there is another house, and who needs democracy? George delivers a chocolate gift for Layla smuggled out of the Captain’s Quarters, Layla...
Big Brother recap (Thu 06/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Thu 06/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 [A massive thank you to Hayden for stepping into the breach to recap this episode of Big Brother – he’s done a great job, so make sure you leave a comment or tweet him...
Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 05/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 05/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife – Wed/Thu 8pm, Ch9 Tonight: mums arrive! Girls cook! Farmers shuffle awkwardly! Rachel is awake! I WILL NEVER GET USED TO THIS RIDICULOUS NEW THEME SONG. Tonight’s episode promises to...