Big Brother recap (Fri 28/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Fri 28/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Big Brother booms into the house, warning Ava that she must quickly get dressed, or else she’ll jeopardise the task. Worker 1, Sam is called to begin his shift. Sam has been...
Big Brother recap (Thu 27/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Thu 27/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 If it’s Big Brother, then it’s drama, drama, drama with more than a hint of PDA on the side. Too much kissy-kissy. Another day, another sleep in. Deliliah welcomes the...
Big Brother recap (Wed 26/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Wed 26/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 It’s not only the kookaburras making a call as the housemates wake this gorgeous Wednesday; BB is making a call of his own: SHENANIGANS. An air of fun and intrigue flavored...
Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 26/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife recap (Wed 26/09/12) #FWAW

Farmer Wants A Wife – Wed/Thu 8pm, Ch9 Somehow I’ve managed to wait out the week and finally it’s time for the season finale of Farmer Wants A Wife. All our questions will be answered. Who will the farmers...
Big Brother recap (Tue 25/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Tue 25/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 Tonight on Big Brother… “OH MY GOD!” Enter adorable cute dog. 3 new nominees, Estelle, Angie & Ava. Layla’s in strife for talking noms and pretty boy...
Big Brother recap (Mon 24/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother recap (Mon 24/09/12) #BBAU

Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9 It’s a freaky horror movie opening to the show tonight. It’s Big Brother meets Zombie town. It’s Angie VS Layla. It’s strategy all the way. It’s Live...