#MasterChef recap (Mon 04/06/12)

#MasterChef recap (Mon 04/06/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last night on Masterchef, the contestants cooked from the heart and some from the gonads as love was in the air representing about 15% of the atmosphere. Filippo and Tregan...
#MasterChef recap (Sun 03/06/12)

#MasterChef recap (Sun 03/06/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last week on Masterchef, Maggie Beer charmed all before notwithstanding her verjuice addiction as Kath returned home to her gallery and cruel unrelenting husband. Mindy won...
#MasterChef recap (Thu 31/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Thu 31/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last night on Masterchef, the mysterious red team curse hit again, as Amina led her team down the garden path and into oblivion. Tonight, last night’s challenge’s loins bear...
#MasterChef recap (Wed 30/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Wed 30/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last night on Masterchef, Audra won immunity, but not for herself as Mindy led Team Mindy to glory by selecting the right team and also doing something else. For his part, Shaun...
#MasterChef recap (Mon 28/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Mon 28/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last night, things got prickly when Andrew, Julia and Kath’s chances were cactus as they served up plates of disappointment and Mexican themed failure. Tonight, the three of them...