by SteveMolk | Aug 19, 2015 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio, Podcasts
The one where Sammy J lurches from one controversy to the next, be it dealing with airport security in Dubai, to hating on Twitter, to the secret revelation of his long-held pastime as a gardener of sorts. Can’t say I didn’t warn you. Naturally...
by SteveMolk | Aug 18, 2015 | Featured, Molk Says
You see it every time you switch on the News. You may not even know it’s there as it whizzes by in the strapline. Networks publishing the reporter & anchor’s Twitter handle on-screen and encouraging you to follow their journalists so you can stay up...
by SteveMolk | Sep 1, 2014 | Featured, Network News
The idea of evaluating “engagement” with a TV program based on the twitter traffic is indeed an interesting one. When the Nielsen Twitter TV ratings launch in Australia it absolultely looks to play in Ten’s favour. They’ve always cornered the...
by SteveMolk | Apr 11, 2014 | Featured, Molkies
It has been run and won for the fourth time. The 2014 Molkies have again exceeded even my expectations with nearly 4,000 people voting. Opinions have been heard and no question the winners (and losers) will long dine out on their successes here. A huge thank you to...
by SteveMolk | Sep 24, 2012 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molk Says, Molks Media
Ch10’s Breakfast has struggled under the weight of expectation on it since it began in February 2012. There’s been some changes on and off camera, and this latest iteration seems to be a lot more comfortable both for the hosts and the audience watching it....