by SteveMolk | Apr 11, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
Oh. Em. Gee. Boy do we at MolksTVTalk know how to jump on a bandwagon. You may look in One Direction, but we’ll point you in the other One Direction. #1D. And so forth. With the Logies all but upon us there was lots to talk about there, including the recording...
by SteveMolk | Dec 1, 2011 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
2011 – the year that television kept on giving. And taking. But mostly giving. But when it took, it took HARD. For this very special review episode we were joined by Scott Ellis – media writer for Fairfax newspapers including the Sydney Morning Herald. We...
by SteveMolk | Nov 17, 2011 | Featured, Molk Says
If Channel 9 could have tried any harder in 2011 I’m not sure how. It threw everything it had at the opposition and while some of it worked, a fair chunk of it didn’t. It’s not like they didn’t go down swinging though. It’s just that lots...