by SteveMolk | Oct 19, 2011 | Featured, Network News
To their credit, Channel 10 had a go, however it suffered from a pretty high-profile change in timeslot and a News department that has been continually swirling with changes in 2011 alone. It was always going to be a risk shifting Negus from his one night a week spot...
by SteveMolk | Sep 12, 2011 | Featured, Molk Says
Back in the “golden years” of television, pictures streamed forth from the 4:3 cathode-ray tube in the corner that audiences worshipped. Changing channels was a physical activity (thus the channel didn’t change often). We accepted what the networks...
by SteveMolk | Feb 9, 2011 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molk Says, Molks Media
I was lucky enough to have the chance last night to interview Bill McDonald, Channel 10 Brisbane 5pm News and Ten Evening News anchor. Bill was very generous with his time and thoughts, revealed not only his love for sport but his passion for media delivery in...
by SteveMolk | Jan 31, 2011 | Featured, Molk Says
There’s a lot of new content, but most of it is returning shows/series. For the couple of new programs at least one is due to rate it’s pants off for Ch9 (sigh). Monday will be a strong night, but not where the real battle lies in the new ratings...