There’s a lot of new content, but most of it is returning shows/series. For the couple of new programs at least one is due to rate it’s pants off for Ch9 (sigh). Monday will be a strong night, but not where the real battle lies in the new ratings year…
Winner predictions:
6:00pm – NEWS (Either Ch7 or Ch9).
6:30pm – ACA/TT (Ch7/Ch9).
7:00pm – TWO AND A HALF MEN (Ch9).
7:30pm – TWO AND A HALF MEN (Ch9) – by a hair over My Kitchen Rules, which will only be 2nd by a whisker over Glee.
8:30pm – UNDERBELLY (Ch9).
9:30pm – More information required.
Night win – Channel 9, depending on who wins 6-7pm.
DISCLAIMER: All schedules correct at time of publication and subject to change at the whim of the head of network programming.
* = I expect I will be very likely wrong.