by SteveMolk | May 17, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
Another Skyped podcast as SteveMolk is still overseas, this time in Arizona in the US. There’s lots of good television on both sides of the Pacific, but it’s the stuff in Australia that has most people’s attention. There’s a chance to work in...
by SteveMolk | May 15, 2012 | Featured, Previews
Master storytellers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz (“Lost,” “Tron: Legacy”) invite everyone to brace themselves for a modern fairytale with thrilling twists and hints of darkness, brimming with wonder and filled with the magic of our most...
by SteveMolk | May 9, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
Oh, Canada! With me in Calgary and Josh still in Brislantis, it’s back to Skyping for the podcast. There’s still a lot to talk about, what with the launch of MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA, news that finally TRICKY BUSINESS is getting a run, and Darren McMullan...
by SteveMolk | Mar 22, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
Welcome to the business end of the first portion of the 2012 ratings year – nearly time to breathe a sigh of relief and eat some chocolate. Before we do that though, there’s lots to discuss and dissect, not least of which the 2012 Logies nominations and...
by SteveMolk | Jan 26, 2012 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio
We’re back, baby! There’s already so much going on in 2012 we can all barely keep up with it. The one thing we can be sure about: this year is going to be one of the most hotly contested ratings years we’ve seen in a long time. New boss at Ch10 vs...