A live audience, and a very special introduction from Cate Blanchett and Geoffrey Rush. So begins a very special episode of At The Movies: 25 years with Margaret and David.

Both hosts have been welcomed into our homes to share with us their love of movies across two shows on two channels (starting with The Movie Show on SBS), whether they agree on the films or not. So well known are the pair that it’s rare to mention their last names, so has their coupling entered our venacular when referencing films. 25 years is a long time together, be it on screen or no, and Ms Pomeranz and Mr Stratton have in that time managed to guide/direct/encourage the film industry in Australia and internationally. This is reflected in the many messages of goodwill and congratulations from the global film community.

After seeing MANY films in their professional lives, they manage to narrow down their favourite films to 3 internationals and 3 locals – films that have made an impact on them over the last 25 years. We get to enjoy interview grabs, and a delicious reivew by Blanchett and Rush of the performance of the guests of honour. The requisite blooper reel is quite the highlight.

For as long as I’ve been interested in movies I’ve wanted to know what M&D thought of the film. It never mattered if I agreed, or even if they agreed, I still wanted to know what they thought. This episode is a fitting celebration of two of the most important people in the Australian Film Industry. It may be wishful thinking, but here’s to another 25 years for the pair. Thank you Margaret & David for all your insight, wisdom, discussion, argument and deliberation.

At The Movies: 25 years with Margaret & David – Wed 10:05pm, ABC1