(All ratings – 5 city metro combined and individual capitals – all figures in thousands)
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Primary Channels
With no more Australians left in the Australian Open Tennis (and no, “Aussie” Kim Clijsters is not Australian), the ratings for the Tennis aren’t awesome. What is more notable is the turn off from the 3 markets that were not getting the Tennis live. Hmm… Aside from Channel 7’s woes, Channel 10 will be facing mounting pressure (after 1 week, mind you) regarding their new approach to news with the ratings for 6PM with George Negus and Ten Evening News. 23rd nationally and 25th respectively – compared with the other shows in the Top5. They should never have been expected to be giant killers, however it will need some time to grow an audience and show what it’s capable of. MolksTVTalk will be sticking with both. A solid, definitive win for Channel 7 last night, both primary and consolidated figures.
Digital Multi-channels
Very strong win for Neighbours again on Eleven – it seems Thursday night is it’s night. This and other successes with The Simpsons and Stargate Universe led Eleven to a massive win – head and shoulders above it’s nearest channel rival (GO!). People may soon start asking will 6PM & Ten Evening News start showing up on Eleven… maybe not quite yet, but a possibility (even though it’s not general entertainment content – no one seems to be sticking with the briefs for the channels anymore anyway). A not-so-surprising entry was the Legends of Origin Rugby League game from Sydney as a fundraiser for the Qld Flood appeal. A smashing idea and resounding success.