(All ratings – 5 city metro combined and individual capitals – all figures in thousands)
Scroll around in the box above to view the ratings, and click on the down arrow next to the city of your choice to sort the results by that city.
Primary Channels
The 1st semi-final of My Kitchen Rules, the final of Conviction Kitchen, Home and Away bleeding into 7:35pm before it finished… there was no way Channel 7 were not going to win the ratings for Monday. Deceiving audiences and altering ratings figures by running shows late is a tool du jour for networks atm – and Ch7 specialise in it.
Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Seven News – Ch7
6:30pm: Today Tonight – Ch7
7:00pm: Home and Away – Ch7
7:30pm: My Kitchen Rules – Ch7
8:30pm: Conviction Kitchen – Ch7
9:30pm: Q&A – ABC1
Channel 7 decimated the other networks (look for the same this Wednesday with the 90 minute MKR Finale set to run for 115 minutes).
Digital Multi-channels
A decent 1st night of the week audience for Neighbours, winning the night, but nothing could stave off 7Two (again). 7mate also performed strongly, leading the 7 Network to the overall night win.