(All ratings – 5 city metro combined and individual capitals – all figures in thousands)
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Primary Channels
The only question that will remain come Aug 22 is what will Channel 9 do at 7pm post-The Block? It’s killing for them, and yet it’s so close to the end… Four Weddings and Dinner Date step up for Channel 7 in the reality/tragedy market, and Winners and Losers prove it’s built an audience of it’s own (even if it’s a little smaller than that which watches Packed To The Rafters).
Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Seven News – Ch7
6:30pm: Today Tonight – Ch7
7:00pm: The Block – Ch9
7:30pm: The Block/Big Bang Theory – Ch9
8:30pm: Winners And Losers – Ch7
9:30pm: Dinner Date – Ch7
Channel 7 won the night (23.2%), ahead of Channel 9 (21.5%) and Channel 10 (15.2%).
Digital Multi-channels
GO! and Eleven both have great success with their Tuesday night (the former with the launch of the US version of The Voice). The 7 Network won the night across all channels on consolidated figures.