Another massive day of cricket pays off for Channel 9, with both their News (1st – 1,309,000) and A Current Affair (4th – 1,056,000) winning their timeslots. It’s happened a few times this week, and not since last cricket season before that. It played through Ch9’s entire line up for the night, offering them a great win. The Tennis rated well for 7Two (and not so well for ONE) in the digital multi-channel race, & with no Cricket to fall back on subscription TV offered repeats and got ratings to match.
Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Nine News – Ch9
6:30pm: A Current Affair – Ch9
7:00pm: ABC News – ABC1
7:30pm: Getaway Summer Series – Ch9
8:30pm: Unforgettable – Ch9
9:30pm: CSI:NY – Ch9
Channel 9 won the night (19.1%), followed by Channel 7 (16.2%), ABC1 (12.2%) & Channel 10 (12.1%).