(All ratings – 5 city metro combined and individual capitals – all figures in thousands)
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Primary Channels
No one else was going to make a dint in the Austrlia’s Got Talent final grand final. No one. As expected, Winners and Losers got to benefit from the ratings glow, although Channel 7 did shed 1.5m viewers from AGT to W&L, not that it will necessarily bother them.
Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Seven News – Ch7
6:30pm: Today Tonight – Ch7
7:00pm: The Block – Ch9
7:30pm: Australia’s Got Talent (1st hour) – Ch7
8:30pm: Australia’s Got Talent (2nd hour)/ AGT Winner Announced – Ch7
9:30pm: Winners and Losers – Ch7
Channel 7 blitzed the night (34%), thumping Channel 10 (18.1%) and Channel 9 (15.5%) into submission.
Digital Multi-channels
All the attention on the main channel didn’t hurt 7Two’s audience too much – it still won the night, in fact lifting the 7 Network’s win to a combined 40.6% across all channels for the win.