A busy week, but a fun week. Lots to talk about, and enjoying settling in to my new spot with Bernadette Young on ABC Coast FM. It was also my last breakfast session with Kelly Higgins-Devine as next week she returns to Drive and Spencer Howson is back into his regular slot. All the spots are taking on a good life with the various hosts. I again thank them for their willingness to let this little TV nerd get on regularly and talk TV.
This week’s topics included:
- Dancing With The Stars finalists decided – Manu Feildel, Hayley Bracken & Damien Leith (Ch7)
- Redundancies in Ch10’s Newsroom (announced Monday 04/7)
- Dicko’s got a Can of Worms (Mon 8:30pm Ch10)
- The Boats Are Still Coming – a Q&A special event (Thu 8:30pm ABC1)
- Teen Wolf for the Twilight generation (Mon 8:30pm Ch7)
- Having a GO! at a late night chat show – Uplate (Thu 11:30pm GO!)
- Can Qld make it 6 in a row (and why aren’t we seeing State of Origin Game 3 in HD OR 3D, Ch9)?!?!
- A cure for insomnia (or a new cause) – the Tour de France is on again (SBS one)
- Season finales/cancellations: An Idiot Abroad (season final); Grey’s Anatomy (season final); Eastbound & Down (season final)
- New/returning shows: Behind The Force (Tue 8:30pm SBS one)
- Coming Soon : Top Design (Wed 13/7 8pm Ch9); The Glee Project (Fri 15/7 7:30pm Eleven).