For the first time EVER, Josh & SteveMolk were in the same place at the same time to record the podcast. FREAKY, right?! There was so much to cover off with it being the first “actual” podcast for the year and yet all that was crammed into under 10 minutes so something must be working. Also what comes with the new year is reinvention and so a big thanks to Nic Kelly for his bang up work on the new imaging for 2012. It almost sounds like we’re professionally amateur now.

On this week’s show:

  • What’s new in the next week. (2:16)
  • Excess Baggage vs The Biggest Loser vs Home and Away (and My Kitchen Rules). (9:25)
  • All the changes over summer, including some Willesee guy. (17:34)
  • The Molkies are back – it’s nomination. (26:22)
  • Adam Hills moves back into Gordon Street. Tonight. (30:52)
  • So much sport over summer and what it did for the networks. (46:18)
  • This week’s Must Watch TV. (54:53)

Keep in touch with us – you can e-mail, tweet either Josh or SteveMolk and we’ll give you a shout out and everything. That’s just the kind of podcast whores we are. We know you love it.

MolksTVTalk – the Podcast. The Boys Light Up.
