It was inevitable, although we didn’t expect them to leave this early. Hamish and Andy were always destined for the United States, and now it seems that Channel 9 have, in signing them to a nondescript but cash-heavy agreement, enabled them to be able to do whatever their large hearts and small brains desire. Thus, they’re finally taking their Gap year. At least someone is enjoying all that money…

Hear the annoucement here:
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Hamish and Andy annouce their Channel 9 show” dl=”0″]In a rare example of foresight, Hamish and Andy have announced that they’ve “kind of, pretty much” decided what they want to do with the extra time they have in 2011 – they are going on a gap year to America.

However, Hamish and Andy remembered that they told Channel Nine they would do a TV show this year as well, so while continuing their weekly radio show for Austereo’s Today Network, they’ll now attempt to combine their dream gap year with a TV series.

The intrepid adventurers will set off in the second half of the year, setting up shop in New York to do a weekly show for Australia: Hamish & Andy’s Gap Year.

Hamish explained: “Tragically, we never took a gap year after school, instead devoting ourselves to a gruelling six hours a week of university.” Andy added: “This year will be a chance to right that terrible wrong and at the same time enjoy our other passion: making television. America also serves soft drink in really huge cups, so Hame can’t wait.”

Hamish said: “The whole point of this gap year is to see where the journey will take us, who we might meet, and what might happen. Sort of like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but hopefully with fewer dragons. Actually on second thought, finding a dragon would be terrific. We should look into that.”

As well as actually booking flights, Andy is concerned that there are still some big things to organise. “I haven’t got mum and dad’s permission yet, and Hamish needs to assure his mum he’s responsible enough to borrow her flesh-coloured money belt.”

Hamish & Andy’s Gap Year will go to air on the Nine Network later this year.