Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9
Tonight, on Big Brother: Benjamin suggests Estelle gets it on with Josh and then blabs about it; Michael attempts to be a genius; Food fight anyone?
Brad states the obvious: “This could be a tense week.” Sarah-two-face isn’t coping. B-rad’s there to help her, but she pushes him away because, after all, she knows everything. She’s still upset with Ray too (bloody hell).
Sarah-two-face, to her credit, didn’t nominate Ray or Bradley despite what the former thinks. Layla notices that Sarah-two-face isn’t taking the whole process well – she and Ray are having a chat in the yard and there is no way Ray is gonna sort this out unless Sarah-two-face says it’s sorted out. “I haven’t chatted to anyone behind your back about it,” she says. Bullshit.
The HMs are summoned to the lounge to announce there will be a quiz against “House 2”, so they all nerd it up clothes-wise. Josh is first – against a horse (not that he knows). He gets his question right (Warnie’s middle name), but Michael doesn’t (State capital of Tasmania – he picked Launceston). HM by HM we go through questions, and it does nothing but reinforce that the collective brain power in House 1 wouldn’t power a light globe.
“House 2” wins the quiz with 8 points. I know, right?! The House v House challenge is now one all, though there is still scepticism within House 1 over the existence of the alternate house.
Josh, Ray & Brad are on BBQ duty. The conspiracy theories are afloat, and Brad is convinced it doesn’t exist but wouldn’t be surprised if it does. Josh is confident there’s not – “If there’s one thing I’ve learnt about this game so far, it’s that you can’t believe one thing you’ve learned in this house.”
Benjamin & Michael are in whispered conversation on the lounge in the same vein. Angie joins in too. WHY ARE THEY BLOODY WHISPERNG?! Angie has it picked too but Michael & Benjamin are almost there with her.
Bradley, Sarah-two-face & Ray are called to the Diary Room to explain the new House v House challenge – the three nominees have to make a cake for dessert for the OTHER house which will be judged on look as well as taste. The winning house will get a to see a full episode of the other house’s antics. The three nominated HMs are all for it, but Angie still doesn’t believe it. “If we get a cake that looks bought, I’m gonna smack it into a camera.”
Angie explains her theory as to why she thinks “House 2” is fake. Layla doesn’t keep up with the logic. Angie’s rationale is it would be ridiculous from an effort point of view. Time to shake her up.
Estelle and Benjamin are chatting in the bedroom, and Benjamin starts lining her up for a relationship with someone else – like Josh – because Ryan wouldn’t be watching the show on the outside or ANYthing. Benjamin justifies it by basically suggesting Estelle is at an age when she can be a slut.
The cake baking is on in the kitchen – all three nominees are making a cake each as they’re making a layered cake. Out in the garden Zoe says that she doesn’t think Estelle is missing Ryan at all. Benjamin jumps on it and starts suggesting that Estelle and Josh should hook up (even though they acknowledged earlier Angie is crushing on Josh hard).
Layla would lose respect in Estelle if she hooked up with someone else, but Benjamin can’t see anything wrong with it. Josh & Benjamin have moved away, allowing Zoe and Estelle to ogle Josh and talk about the possible hook up. Already the HMs need more mental stimulation if this is filling their day.
Angie appears and the girls cajole her into talking about her “little” crush on Josh. ERHKWERD.
The cake baking challenge is almost done – both houses get the 10 minute warning – just as the top goes on House 1’s layered cake and the final decorations are set. They put it in the box provided and deliver it to the Diary Room for transfer. “They can’t say we didn’t try,” says Bradley.
Benjamin (this week’s Head of House) has been told there’s a chess challenge between the Houses to take place now. Michael is immediately appointed along with Zoe. Because “House 2” isn’t real, the HMs are actually playing against Kevin Sum – the under 10 and under 12 Queensland Chess champion. “This is gonna be easy,” he says.
Zoe starts off, and Michael affirms the response from “House 2” would be “what you’d do in that situation”. It’s a pseudo-tense battle that’s punctuated by the HMs getting thrashed and trash talk from Kevin that seems very, very scripted. And if not scripted, insanely arrogant. Betcha Kevin has a lot of friends to his birthday parties – NOT.
“House 2” checks Michael/Zoe. Angie has weighed in, thinking she’s got it solved, but that’s declared to be an amateur move by His Kevinship. A few moves later – CHECKMATE. “House 2” wins, and so now they take the lead in the House v House challenge two points to one. Bradley explains Sarah-two-face some of the basic rules as she’s not keeping up.
The aftermath of the chess challenge is that Michael asks that immediately after the next challenge is called that people need to be involved. All this because Angie didn’t want to get involved in the chess game and its gotten under his skin. He has a Diary Room chat with BB about the “burden of being claimed as the genius” because he feels other people could contribute more. He also feels vulnerable when challenges fail like that when others could have run it better.
The HMs have been under pressure all week, and Josh is debriefing over it with Angie in the bathroom. He normally leads a pretty easy life and is finding this harder than he expected. He rarely stays in the one spot for a long period of time and this is starting to feel like the walls are closing in. He can’t sit at a desk or hold down a job that doesn’t allow for daily diversity.
Sarah-two-face is cooking dinner, but it’s taking longer than Benjamin is happy with. “I like that girl but if she doesn’t give me food soon, she’s dead.”
The weekly family dinner is in full swing, and one of the conversation topics is about gossip, and everyone seems to think they all manage it pretty well. DELUSIONAL. There’s a great discussion about how to influence other people when a topic comes up that you don’t want to talk about and how to change it, but it’s interrupted by BB announcing that the nominees have to go to the Diary Room to collect their dessert. On the way, Brad offers that if it is a professionally made cake he’s subscribing to the ‘no other house’ conspiracy theory that has set in.
In the Diary Room, they discover a many layered cake which they all then claim means there is no second house. Well, this ‘secret’ has gone tits up early, hasn’t it?
The cake is presented to the HMs, and BB announces the winner of the House v House cake baking comp is House 2. As soon as they are allowed to sample the cake it’s grabbed and placed on the floor where Michael promptly sits on it. A food fight breaks out and hilarity ensues (and Charne – pronounced Shar-ney – would be FREAKING. OUT. about cleaning up if she were still there). Bradley and Zoe have taken refuge outside the kitchen becuase they don’t want to be a part of it. “It’s disgraceful,” he says.
Layla goes to the Diary Room after cleaning herself up to thank BB for the chance for a food fight. It’s been liberating for her and something she’s always wanted to do. Michael also visits and recounts the fun he’s had (“There’s cake in my butt!”). He declares the taste of their shared happiness in bonding over the food fight is way better than any six layered chocolate sponge with cream and chocolate sauce. Yeah, right.
As the clean up takes place, Bradley expresses how upset he is over the disrespect the HMs showed in destroying the cake. “We spent three hours making ours – how would you feel if your cake was destroyed like that?”. He goes into BB to apologise for everyone’s behaviour and thinks that what went on wasn’t cool – they carried on like kids and disgraced themselves and the house.
Brad returns to the kitchen to help clean up after dinner and Sarah-two-face asks him why he went to the Diary Room. He explains how he’s feeling, but he’s disregarded by her because he’s missing the “emotional attachment that we all had to that experience”. Looks like the tension between Brad and everyone is going to ramp up again. Nigh nigh, HMs…