Big Brother AustraliaSun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9

Welcome to the show! It’s time for the Big Brother eviction, first for this year where 4 housemates are up for the chop.

A package rolls with nervous lines from each of the housemates in response to being up for eviction this week.

Sonia walks out of the eye and she’s on stage!

SAVE voting percentages at this point are as follows:

48% – ?

13% – ?

18% – ?

21% – ?


House action!

Michael has borrowed Angie’s Rolling Stones t-shirt doing a Mick Jagger impersonation in the backyard. In the diary room, Zoe confesses to Big Brother that she is in love with Michael and is obsessed.

Angie, Bradley, Michael and Stacey are in the BBQ area. Angie asks Bradley how he’s going in response to being nominated this week. Michael joins in to discuss it, as this is his first time in the firing line. Bradley excuses himself from the conversation, he is uncomfortable with talking about being nominated.

Benjamin has a chat to Sam in the gym, asking about whether it is his own fault or Sam’s fault that he does not know much about Sam.

Zoe and Layla are in the bedroom talking about Zoe’s crush on Michael. Zoe says that she is hopeless with boys.

We are back to the gym where Benjamin and Sam are discussing the gap between Sam and the other housemates, Sam revealing that he does not feel he has connected with Stacey or Michael, both Benjamin’s friends. Benjamin suggests ways that he could build a friendship with Stacey and Michael, such as helping Stacey get fit and chatting to Michael about being nominated for the first time.

Benjamin, Stacey, Michael and Josh are at the table in the kitchen discussing Sam, sympathising about Sam’s misfortune as he tries to fit in.

Michael has been called to the naughty corner for excessive swearing. He must paint a canvas completely one blue colour, and then must sit and watch the paint dry. He must not look anywhere else. Stacey and the other housemates are determined to distract Michael, Stacey mooning Michael through the glass.

Zoe visits the diary room to talk about Stacey. She says that Stacey is a bit crazy and as great as that is, it can become too much to handle for the amount of time they have been together in the house. Stacey’s extroverted personality does not align with Zoe’s very quiet, introverted personality

Sam and Layla are talking in the bedroom about how Sam could work on his friendships in the house, saying that his focus this week is Stacey.

Michael is still watching paint try in the naughty corner, he has made a while line drawing of a duck with a speech bubble saying “IT’S QUACKTASTIC!”. He is having a conversation with the duck. Big Brother excuses Michael from the naughty corner.




More house action as Stacey and Zoe wash Delilah and brush her teeth.

Layla, Sam and Angie are in the backyard. Sam says that it’s okay for him to mack on with all of Layla’s friends once they leave the house. Angie is shocked and says that because Sam has macked on with Layla, he cannot go around with her friends. Layla walks off and visits the diary room saying that she is in a pissed off mood after Sam had suggested that he be allowed to pash her friends. She doesn’t want to share a bed with him anymore. Angie and Sam are still in the backyard, Angie telling Sam that it was a very bad idea to say what he did. Sam said that it was a test to see how Layla would react.




Sonia crosses to the house to have a chat to the nominees in the house.

As we are at the business end of the competition  Sonia will no longer reveal who is the safest in this week’s vote, and will reveal in no particular order who is safe from the eviction, not relating to the percentage of SAVE votes for them.

First housemate SAFE is SAM.

Second housemate SAFE is ANGIE.

It’s time for an ad break, and as you will find out in the next paragraph, the evictee will be revealed. Will it be Bradley or Michael? Your question is answered below, the advantages of a written recap am I right?

We’re back and Sonia is about to evict either Bradley or Michael. And it’s time to go… BRADLEY. Bradley recites lines from Batman. He is given the 10 second countdown from Big Brother with a trail of kisses and cheers for Bradley.

Bradley now comes down the stairs in an entrance to the auditorium, high-fiving audience members on entry.

Voting statistics:

46% – Michael

14% – Bradley

19% – Angie

21% – Sam

Bradley has brought a gift for Sonia, his rationed chocolate from inside the house.

Bradley is now shown a VT of what annoyed the housemates about his behaviour or the way he acts.

Another package is played showing the journey of Bradley turning from a boy to a man… or at least trying.

And another VT about Bradley’s first kiss. So, great. PACKAGES EVERYWHERE, clearly.

An ad break has come and gone and Sonia passes Bradley his very own copy of ‘The Dark Knight’ (Batman) from home.

As voted by the public, Bradley’s KFC TOP 3 SO GOOD MOMENTS are:

#3 – B-RAD



Bradley has decided to give the NOMINATIONS SUPER POWER to… JOSH.

And this marks the end of tonight’s Big Brother eviction.

You can follow me on Twitter, @haydenww.

Ciao for now!