by SteveMolk | Jan 27, 2014 | Comedy, Featured, For Kids, Reviews
Again ABC3 have done something incredibly entertaining that, unless you’ve got young kids, will have gone largely unappreciated – the ABC3 Smackdown Games. For the fourth time ABC3 presenter Kayne Tremills invited a bunch of his mates over for an Australia...
by SteveMolk | Nov 23, 2010 | Channel MTT, For Kids, Molks Media, Reviews
Never before in my 37 long years have I been subjected to such high levels of cuteness. The smiling little faces. The dodgy costumes. The effervescent hope in the face of impending failure. The mixture of plasticised smiles and out of time dance moves. The 2010 Prep...
by SteveMolk | Oct 31, 2010 | Channel MTT, Featured, For Kids, Molks Media, Reviews
There is a plethora of kid’s television shows available to everyone these days, thanks now to digital multi channelling on free-to-air television. ABC2 is leading this charge by providing dedicated programming for children from 8am to 6pm 7 days a week....