by SteveMolk | Jan 10, 2014 | Featured, Ratings
It’s long been run and won – though the winners may not have been known as widely. This is the Top 20 programs for 2013 across the primary channels, the alternate channels, subscription TV and, for the first time, the catch up Top 20. There are few...
by SteveMolk | Dec 5, 2013 | Featured, Molks Media, MolksTVTalkRadio, Podcasts
Dear friends, what a televisual year 2013 has been. But we made it! Reflecting on the best and worst of TV is a far greater task than you’d think – there was just so much! We cover off: WHO OWNED DRAMA (and some of the delightful things involved in that);...
by SteveMolk | Dec 2, 2013 | Featured, Molk Says
It was the year they almost did it. Nine have been surging through 2013 with some big programming results and their NewsCAFF product has more than become competitive again, regularly winning in SYD & MEL and taking it to the line in BNE. They’ve purchased...
by SteveMolk | Nov 27, 2013 | Featured, Network News
In 2013 Channel Nine was first in all key demographics, with more weekly wins and more growth than any other network – and today we announce an impressive line-up of shows for 2014 that will deliver new Australian content across all genres. NEW DRAMA ON NINE IN 2014...
by SteveMolk | Jul 29, 2013 | Featured, Network News
Another massive The Block finale. The controversy surrounding the sharing of reserve prices ahead of time; the fact it took 25 minutes of arguing to not resolve the auction order; the fact that the series was all but gifted to the twin sisters given the work they did...