by SteveMolk | May 7, 2014 | Featured, Network News
From 50 to 24 and there’s many weeks to go and in spite of their own failings (in some cases) MasterChef Australia has delivered it’s new Top 24. 24 more names for you to try to learn before at least 6 of them are gone and you can’t remember which...
by SteveMolk | Jun 27, 2013 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molks Media, Previews
Given the political turn of events in the last couple of days, being a contestant on The Mole almost seems like a walk in the park. 12 contestants will again compete in this sixth season of the franchise for a pot rumoured to be $250,000. Starting with nothing in...
by SteveMolk | Apr 2, 2013 | Featured, Molk Says
I’ve loved you, My Kitchen Rules. Loved you hard. Recapped episodes, furiously previewed and enjoyed every bit of cooking drama and relationship conflict you’ve proffered up. And I just can’t swallow it any more. The straw that broke this...
by Daniel Hall | Mar 21, 2013 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Wed 7:30pm, Ch7 Tonight brings us a sudden death showdown between Jake and Elle, siblings from Queensland, and Angela and Melina, “real housewives” from Victoria. Why does the voiceover man insist...
by SteveMolk | Mar 20, 2013 | Featured, Recaps
My Kitchen Rules – Mon-Wed 7:30pm, Ch7 Previously on My Kitchen Rules the contestants were let loose on as many C-Grade celebrities as Channel 7 could put their hands on. Conveniently it wasn’t many and not too many...