by SteveMolk | Feb 12, 2012 | Featured, TV Guide
IT’S RATINGS TIME, BABY!!! We’ve already got one casualty for the year already and there’s sure to be more quickly. Lots of shows that have been sizzled for weeks during sporting fixtures about to drop, and we start to settle into some form or order....
by SteveMolk | Feb 6, 2012 | Channel MTT, Featured, Molks Media, Network News
A prime-time sci-fi series that takes itself very seriously is a big risk. Doesn’t matter how good the calibre of the cast is, if the premise stinks audiences will smell it a mile off. The premise is sound and Alcatraz looks good, but will it hold? We’ll...
by SteveMolk | Jan 10, 2012 | Featured, Molk Says
Not everything we get in 2012 will be a hit. Not everyting will fail. There are some shows that will just plod along in adequacy and not really make a blip on the ratings landscape but not be bad enough to get ingloriously pulled early. This list isn’t intended...