TV Guide for week ending 15/09/12

TV Guide for week ending 15/09/12

Kevin McCloud has a swing with his own money and his own ideas in Kevin’s Grand Design, a new two parter starting tonight. Even for the seasoned architect and host it’s not all smooth sailing. The always delicious Air Ways is back, narrated by Corinne...
TV Guide for week ending 08/09/12

TV Guide for week ending 08/09/12

It slows up a little bit this week, but quality is what’s required in our new shows and they all deliver. The ones that matter, anyway (there is just no explaining Excused). Ch9’s latest drama House Husbands slides into Sunday nights and, at the risk of...
TV Guide for week ending 01/09/12

TV Guide for week ending 01/09/12

The second series of Go Back To Where You Came From runs in its entirety this week and it’s absolutely worth setting the PVR on everything else so as to be able to tune in Tue-Thu to watch what will be another amazing series. The final part of Channel 9’s...
TV Guide for week ending 11/08/12

TV Guide for week ending 11/08/12

Olympics. Four episodes of Once Upon A Time. Make your own fun. …but NEXT week, OMG it all begins. Big Brother, Farmer Wants A Wife: Love Bites, Howzat: Kerry Packer’s War, the final episodes of The Amazing Race Australia, Everybody Dance Now, I Will...
TV Guide for week ending 26/05/12

TV Guide for week ending 26/05/12

So much goodness in one week, how is one meant to keep up? And why is one speaking as if one is the royal third person. It isn’t becoming of one, that is for sure. Downton Abbey is back and it’s delightful, there’s more Tricky Business & Bikie...