Channel 7 are conspicuous in their lack of social media adoption as a network. Scattered journalists have taken up the charge, but it’s not encouraged by the network. Of course they are going to poo-poo it seeing as their competitors have adopted and adapted to it so easily. It’s no surprise that in the midst of their regular bulletin on Tue 22/02/11 this nugget appeared…
The problem they forgot to point out is: social media is bad. If you use it in an uneducated, laissez faire way. Just like if you gave someone a live microphone and shoved them in front of millions of people, the relationship generally isn’t going to end well. For that fact, any use of the internet is bad for exactly the same reasons outlined in the story. You can’t trust anyone – even yourself. You may be tweeting something right now that will get you in trouble with your mum. Stop it.
On closer inspection possibly the more disturbing thing is the retina-burning shade of blue on the website of the proffered “social media expert”. Website design? From you? With that? No thank you…
For the record, Mr McCallum: When twitter and facebook collide with teenage anger, it only proves if you’ve done something inappropriate and/or that you should be ashamed of you cannot hide anywhere anymore. The Nixon scandal shows he’s another degenerate with too much money & too much time on his hands, who is building and promoting a dangerous culture of the worst kind of “bloke-iness & mateship” that is attached to the sporting codes & stars our kids look up to.
How do you get to be a ‘social media expert’? Do you need any particular qualifications or are they self-appointed? Most seem to have an over inflation of their worth.
And I love how all these reports tag in that teachers need to educate children in the dangers of social media. Sorry, most teachers are not qualified to do this. Much like our population the teacher workforce is generally aging, how are baby boomer teachers the best people for this?
You have to join SMEGAU – Social Media Expert Gurus of Australia. And then gargle dirty toilet water.
Journalists do *not* get social media as a rule. Even some of the ones who are feted for getting into it truly have no clue, and should have their SMEG licenses revoked.
Also, Steve .. good one to x-post to AuTechHeads …
Will do. 😉 Thx mate.
Welcome to the new world! This is the new media and whether the networks like it or not, they need to embrace it. Channel 9 show the reporters twitter names at the beginning of each story yet each of the reporters say “opinions are my own” in their bio’s. I think the general public acknowledge exactly that.