Something’s afoot in Yoorana.
Every small Victorian town has its disturbances from time to time, but this one is different. All at once six people have climbed out of their graves at the cemetery for no apparent reason with little to no memory of who they are. Somehow the recently resurrected are all linked to each other and the town. For local Police Sargeant James Hayes (Patrick Brammall) it’s the strangest and most confronting case he’s ever faced, not least of which because one of the group is his wife Kate (Emma Booth) – who died two years ago. That’s some Glitch…
It’s a stand-out drama series, sure to be the best we’ll see in 2015. Glitch has a great pedigree in Tony Ayres (Nowhere Boys, The Devil’s Playground, The Slap), Louise Fox (Love My Way, Broadchurch, The Kettering Incident), Ewan Burnett (The Mystery of a Hansom Cab) & Emma Freeman (Puberty Blues, Offspring, Party Tricks) and consequently what we see on screen has obviously been through loving and capable hands.
Joining Brammall & Booth are a cast best described as an embarrassment of riches – Andrew MacFarlane (Vic), Genevieve O’Reilly (Elisha), Sean Keenan (Charlie), Hannah Monson (Kirstie), Daniela Farinacci (Anna), James Monarski (Carlo), Ned Dennehy (Paddy), Aaron McGrath (Beau), Emily Barclay (Sarah) and Rodger Corser (John). Each of them have distinct and memorable moments across the series as the previously deceased suffer flashbacks that help them remember who they are and how they died, though they often bring more pain and confusion than solace. Life’s relief juxtaposed with loss’s heartbreak.

“Life just isn’t the same as I remember it… before I died…”
Glitch gets under your skin. You connect and empathize with those who are back as their reality often doesn’t match what they remember. The script offers haunting beats and sharp, direct dialogue which, when set against the glorious Victorian countryside, reveal to us a truly authentic Australian supernatural tale.
In an additional win for viewers (and a hat tip to its competition) the series will be available in full on ABC iview after the airing of the first episode on Thursday (all six episodes). It will still run week to week Thursday nights but you won’t want to wait – you’ll be straight off to watch the next episode. And the next, and the next.
The series adds another title to an already bulging catalogue of high quality scripted drama which we’ve come to expect from the ABC – a timely reminder of the depth and breadth Aunty provides that is so sorely lacking on free-to-air commercial television.
Sharp-eyed viewers will also connect the programs they’ve seen some of the cast in as programs also directed by Freeman – Offspring (Brammall), Party Tricks (Corser) & Keenan (Puberty Blues). That shared experience only adds to what is captured on camera as the mutual trust between actor and director pays off in the performance.
There’s a moment towards the end of the first episode when James realises that the woman standing in front of him is the wife he buried two short years ago. The disbelief mixed with fear and aching love perfectly sums up the calibre of the performances across the cast and the effect Glitch will have on you.
Glitch is captivating television. It’s also really bloody good. Do not miss a moment.
Glitch (6 eps) – Thu 8:30pm, ABC.