Week 6 commences – ratings are very go – and with the Cricket & tennis almost out of the way, the match ups are (all but) public. With very little left to chance, and a LOT left to last minute programming changes, weeks 6 & 7 herald the return of “the shows we love” and “the all-new favourites we’re going to love”. Cut the hype, networks, and leave that up to us to judge. Week 6 is really the warm up to Week 7 (starting Sunday 06/02/11) – the official start of ratings.
So, I present for your analytical pleasure, the first in a series of timeslot match ups cataloging the network offerings: what is up against what, and who I think will win* each slot and the night. It’s going to be a very interesting year… starting tonight – the competition for Sunday nights.
Winner predictions:
6:00pm – NEWS (Either Ch7 or Ch9).
6:30pm – SUNDAY NIGHT (Ch7).
7:30pm – More information required.
8:30pm – More information required (likely HAWAII FIVE-O).
9:30pm – More information required.
Night win – More information required.
DISCLAIMER: All schedules correct at time of publication and subject to change at the whim of the head of network programming.
* = I expect I will be very likely wrong.