A fun week, and sadly didn’t get to debut properly on Gold Coast ABC (Get well Bernadette!), but there’s always next week. Still on Breakfast with Kelly while she fills in – I’m in for the duration – and that’s proving to be fun, if not overly early. Some of the funniest radio I had this week was on hold with Josh & Stace on Star FM.
Lots to talk about – not least of which was the return of the The Block for Channel 9. It’s a pretty cracking series and hopefully the start of people turning back to the network (they’ve been working so hard for so little result of late). Coupled with this is the upsurge of viewers switching to the Today Show. Interesting… really, it is!
This week’s topics included:
- Go Back To Where You Came From (SBS one)
- The Block starts big – but can it be maintained? (Ch9)
- Angry on Angry Boys (ABC1)
- The Battle for Breakfast heats up – The Today Show (Ch9) vs Sunrise (Ch7)
- Qld only – Creek To Coast celebrates 500 episodes (Ch7)
- Season finales/cancellations: Big – Extreme Makeover (Wed 9:30pm Ch9); House (Ch10); Come Fly With Me (Ch9); Harry’s Law (Ch9)
- New/returning shows: Inside the Human Body (Thu 23/6 8:30pm Ch10); Burn Notice (Fri 24/6 9pm Ch10); Wilfred (Tue 28/6 9:30pm Eleven)
- Coming soon: Crownies (ABC1)