Dear friends, what a televisual year 2013 has been. But we made it!

Reflecting on the best and worst of TV is a far greater task than you’d think – there was just so much! We cover off: WHO OWNED DRAMA (and some of the delightful things involved in that); the fact that REALITY BECAME SEVEN AND NINE’S DOMAIN; THE YEAR TEN CAME FOURTH; 2013’s EPIC FAILS; that SBS CONTINUES TO BE UNDER-APPRECIATED; this year we saw NEWS EVERYWHERE, ALL THE TIME; ABC KILLED IT WITH THE COMEDY in 2013; and how this year FAST-TRACKED TV GOT SERIOUSER. We also read a great selection of tweets as to what was your best and worst TV for 2013.

As for the best and worst shows themselves – you’ll have to listen to hear what Josh and I think makes the grade.

Please leave a review on iTunes, comment on, like us on or chat with @JoshuaWithers or me @MolksTVTalk.

Part of the Unpopular Network. *** Look out for PodFestAU, coming in August 2014! ***

MolksTVTalk the Podcast – Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot…
