For the second time ever Josh & SteveMolk get to sit across from each other and talk turkey about television. It’s totally paying off, though our gags and wild forays into uncharted and unrelated territory remain. There was lots to discuss, though certainly the hottest topic was the bumping of EXCESS BAGGAGE from Ch9 to GO! starting next week. What went wrong? Well, everything and nothing. See the dichotomies we propose?! So Yin & Yang. In the midst of the crazy is a great interview with Ash & Scott from Eleven’s new music program The Loop, too… though they were so pizza powered you can’t tell where the crazy stops and the serious interviewing starts.

In addition to the “boring old” MP3 format, this week we’re trying a new M4A format with chapter breaks and embedded links and everything. Tres cool. The link for it is at the bottom of the post on, so jump on and download it and let us know what you think – please? Josh is being needy about it.

On this week’s show:

  • Excess Baggage survives – just. (2:44)
  • The 46th Superbowl bowls them over superbly. (9:41)
  • Ch9 faces a clash of the Cricket/NRL titans. (16:01)
  • Ch10’s Breakfast looking for producers. In SYD & MEL only. (21:22)
  • DWTS goes Scary. (24:45)
  • Optus TV Now wins for now. (27:40)
  • SteveMolk speaks with Scott Tweedie and Ash London from The Loop. (35:01)
  • The Chaser sell out to Ch7, now with added Goodie. (42:04)
  • Alcatraz vs Revenge, & Sherlock. (43:59)
  • MKR smashing it out of the park. (47:21)
  • The 2012 Molkies voting is about to start. (49:17)
  • This week’s Must Watch TV. (54:48)

Keep in touch with us – you can e-mail, tweet either Josh or SteveMolk and we’ll give you a shout out and everything. That’s just the kind of podcast whores we are. We know you love it. There’s a growing bunch of shout-outs at the end of the podcast from like-minded peeps, so stay tuned to see if you got a mention.

MolksTVTalk the Podcast. Like A Prayer.


Try the new M4A format of the podcast, too…