RICHARD ROXBURGH is head and shoulders above Cleaver Greene in terms of dignity and punctuality. And far classier. He’d never suggest that women on the right of politics are better lovers. He’s much more discreet than that.

With the return of Cleaver, Barney, Red, Missy & the rest of the cast from RAKE we can expect and even more appalingly behaved Barrister and his long-suffering mate torn between trying to rebuild his relationship with his wife and having to work with the most consistently inconsistent friend ever.

It was great to speak with Richard about the enigmatic Greene, and his role as said scurrilous lawyer as well as that of creator and producer of the series. It’s such good drama and it’s been too long between drinks. It was also great to get his insight into what he watches on TV, both with his kids and after they’ve gone to bed. It was a personal highlight to speak with such a nice guy and incredible actor.
