Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9
Everyone has the post nomination sads. Estelle, Charne and Layla are up this week. No big surprises really.
Estelle seeks refuge in Sarah’s arms. Sarah: “I love you, like I love you”. Word.
Estelle is experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. Tears… “I guess the game’s begun” Shock. “I didn’t expect it”. And finally anger. “I’m just being myself. Nobody said anything to me!” She’s rocked.
Josh ponders Ryan’s blossoming romance with Estelle. “Heeeavy…you’ve got a week then, to convert her” How romantic.
Charne’s more upbeat about her nom nom. “I’m going to be the first to leave…people don’t want me here. I’m ok with that”
The Diary Room should be sponsored by Kleenex as Layla, Estelle and Ryan open up the flood gates.
Ryan in the DR: “the bond that we’ve formed is getting stronger day by day…I’m starting to feel for her” Oh God, are you crying Ryan?? Estelle: “I’m not sure I’m capable of those sorts of feelings…I’m not looking for anything” Estelle could care less it would seem. Ryan: “she looked at me tonight with her eyes…I sensed a real connection” poor puppy.
The weekly task has been set up in the backyard. A test of endurance & patience. It looks like Daytona. Fun! If they lose the task, they will have to survive on staples of rice, pasta and veggies. Charne reads out the task, explaining that it’s a 3627km drive from Perth to Dreamworld. Along the way they must abide by the road rules and stay out of trouble. Road trip!! Benjamin takes to the sidecar while Ryan starts riding. It’s Dumb & Dumber meets Easy Rider. Ryan starts Eye Spy, although he’s fuzzy on the rules. It IS a complicated game. He quickly picks up a speeding ticket and Big Brother relishes in some humiliating punishments.
Sometime later… Michael’s cleaning around the fishtank in the bathroom when suddenly “Oi, Michael, it’s me Surly”… a fish talks back. “don’t let anybody see that I’m talking to you…if you tell anyone I can talk you’ll be evicted immediately” This is brilliant! Surly offers up a challenge in exchange for revealing a great secret about the house. Michael must hug everyone in the house within the next 10 minutes. Off he goes and inappropriately hugs everyone. Hilarious. Even Josh gets a snuggle. Nobody seems to be suss. Off he runs back to Surly… What’s the big secret?
He’s instructed to find an ornament on the back wall in the bedroom and turn it. Michael must never mention this to anyone. This is awesome! A secret room is revealed. A fancy gold bathroom with a bubble bath ready. He kicks back with strawberries and champagne. He has no problems amusing himself. Coolest discovery ever. Who will find it next?
Nice one Big Brother.