#MasterChef recap (Sun 20/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Sun 20/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Last week on Masterchef, the top 24 was decided and in no time there were mystery boxes, an immunity challenge and, sadly, elimination. Ben won the right to challenge for immunity...
#MasterChef recap (Thu 17/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Thu 17/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Previously on Masterchef, the 24 contestants were left to their own devices to serve paying customers. Andy’s team rose to the occasion and at the end of the night had more money...
#MasterChef recap (Wed 16/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Wed 16/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Previously on Masterchef, Ben missed out on his chance for immunity as he, Andy and Emma cooked off against Dan Hong. Tonight, the contestants are let loose in two high end...
#MasterChef recap (Tue 15/05/12)

#MasterChef recap (Tue 15/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Previously on Masterchef, the honoured 24 arrived in Sydney and Masterchef HQ without losing a single limb or piece of luggage. Alice was the big failure when all of the judges...
#Masterchef recap (Mon 14/05/12)

#Masterchef recap (Mon 14/05/12)

MasterChef Australia – Sun 7:30pm; Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch10 http://www.masterchef.com.au/ Previously on Masterchef, the final pieces of the top 24 puzzle fell into place and now, regrettably, we get to know the contestants. Tonight, a mystery box challenge and the...