Why I Love: House by @Kath_Robinson10

Why I Love: House by @Kath_Robinson10

There have been few characters on TV as enigmatic as Dr Gregory House. As quickly as people fell in love with him they started to hold him to account (isn’t it always the way that the people you love are often the ones that hurt you the most)… Dear House,...
TV Guide for week ending 11/05/13

TV Guide for week ending 11/05/13

[Recommendation key: Molk Picks; Must Watch; Everything else worth a look but at your own risk.] MOLK RECOMMENDS Sunday Star Wars: The Clone Wars (S05 marathon – final 10 eps) – Sun 10am, ABC3 The Simpsons – Sun 6pm, Ch10 The Voice Australia –...
#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 02/05/13)

#SurvivorCaramoan recap (Thu 02/05/13)

Survivor: Caramoan – Fans v Favourites – Thu 7:30pm, GO! http://gochannel.com.au/SurvivorCaramoanFansVsFavorites Last week, Malcolm was voted off the island leaving eight people who spend their time alternating between being smug and dull. Reynold announces that he’s...
Why I Love: Australian Food TV by @dan_lepard

Why I Love: Australian Food TV by @dan_lepard

Food – a national obsession. Everybody has memories (recent or distant) of someone on the box telling you at home how your food should be cooked. Today’s guest writer took it one step further and decided he could become part of the obsession and change...