"Of course as always... Kill Hitler!"
It’s everything you’d expect from a series that’s billed as a “bizarre 1960’s inspired version of World War II” and Danger 5 doesn’t hold back. Taking itself so seriously it’s hilarious, this new series from Dario Russo and David Ashby is a glory to behold.
Danger 5 are an elite group of super-skilled, super good-looking special operatives from across the globe brought together for the single purpose of ending WWII by defeating the leader of the Third Reich. It’s a delightfully entertaining fusion of misogynistic James Bond action, smoke, Thunderbirds miniatures, smoke, Power Rangers monsters, smoke, Star Trek sets, smoke, New Hollywood pathos and smoke, and that’s just how it was meant to be.
Each episode of this six-part ecclectic and obtuse fantasy series unfolds with a new diabolical scheme from Hitler that Danger 5 must defeat to ensure the continued safety of the free world, each time bringing them one step closer to defeating the Fuehrer. The group, bound by a common cause though divided by separate cultural backgrounds, are Jackson (David Ashby) from the USA, Tucker (Sean James Murphy) from Australia, Ilsa (Natasa Ristic) from Russia, Claire (Amanda Simons) from Britain and Pierre (Aldo Mignone) from Europe. They’re tough, battle-hardened, love-weary, street-smart and always ready for a party. Adam West’s Batman would be proud.
It’s very clear the team from Dinosaur Worldwide had a bunch of fun making this series (look for spectacular note-perfect period product placements at the end of each episode). In the midst of the story they’ve combined 2D animation with camp fight scenes and explosions, international intrigue with adult themes, and afro-cuban jazz rhythms with some of the best monster outfits ever. To help get you in the mood for the series you can catch the prequel webisode series on their YouTube channel – an excellent indication of what is to come. You can also follow the team on Twitter.
Danger 5 is a captivating escape into a different time that never existed, and will engage you as the five heroes seek to save the world week after week.
Danger 5 – premieres Mon 27/2 9:30pm, SBS one.