Farrah loves Sophie, but not her mom so much
In this pilot episode we meet Maci, Farrah, Amber, Catelynn – all teen moms, though Catelynn did offer her baby up for adoption she remains in the series to show the choices available to other teen moms as a part of the outcomes of your choices as a teen mom. They have to change nappies, clean up vomit, deal with work/school/boyfriends/parents/friends, and deal with producers for the show (who must have rubbed their hands with glee at the thought of 1 season, let alone the fourth that’s now in production).
It’s car-crash bad, and not in a good way. Tantrums, fighting, crying – and that’s just from the teen moms. Watching the pilot saddened me no end if for no other reason than that the girls involved don’t really have a good support network around them and so they are young and pressured by premature parenthood and making some bad decisions. It’s crazy.
You can catch up on the series at the website here – but be warned with 3 seasons in the can, you’ll get your share of spoilers. Spoilers as in the revealing of content, not spoilers as in how the Teen Moms act.
Teen Mom – Sun 8:30pm, GO!