A disgruntled member of the bridal party
The return of season 2 sees a few slight adjustments and tightenings. Firstly we actually get to see host Fifi Box on screen, not just hear her narration. The honeymoon prize is very obviously now an arrangement with a resort (I wonder if there’ll be a “Perfect Match” style inundation of honeymooning couples?). The producers have also gotten smarter in their casting choices.
In this first episode we meet Baeu (28), Amy (21), Tanya (31) & Jules (27), each with their own very definite plans for their wedding. As you’d expect there’s lots of wide eyes & “ow, that sounds lovely” when the girls meet to size each other up. Whether it’s a reception at the local racecourse, or including a dance act in your reception, or having 560 people at your wedding, or having someone play Gollum from Lord of the Rings as your ringbearer – what’s to disagree on?!
The reactions of the girls are indeed what make the show as they attend each other’s weddings. This isn’t good enough or that’s too much about her. This first episode is very gentle, considering – future episodes include some very nasty brides-to-be who ensure even the other weddings are all about them.
“Who’s wedding will take the cake?”
Four Weddings – Tue 7:30pm, Ch7.