Since 2005 Ready Steady Cook has been a staple of afternoon television on Channel 10. At first the emminently capable and pleasant (and former chef) Nick Stratford hosted, and did so with ease – his experience in the kitchen paid off. Then, in 2006, what we here at MolksTVTalk like to refer to as “the dark days” came upon the home of the tomato and the capsicum. Peter Everett took over the hosting role and minced his way around the studio like a toff on heat, interfering all over the place and generally getting in the way of anything close to cooking.
For whatever blessed reason, the decision was made to part ways with Everett and put him out to pasture. They sent him “up the farm”, I guess.
Enter Colin Lane, resident tag-team member of The Circle and a comedian of strong lineage and experience. Given his first episode aired on Tuesday 14 June, he was a little nervous but paced himself well. It could have very easily descended into a Lano & Woodley-style farce (and it wouldn’t have been outrageous if it had), but Colin stayed the ship and did a great job. He was affable. He interacted well with the chefs and the contestants. The studio audience seemed to love him (but the they “ooh” and “ahh” at the reveal of ingredients like avocado, so they’re no benchmark).
While it’s not going to burn a hole in the ratings for the network (averaging around 180,000 for the timeslot), it’s a fun show that brings some enjoyable Australian content to the screen. Lane makes the show work again – fun for stay at home mums, the ill, the infirmed and the long-term unemployed alike.
Ready Steady Cook – Weekdays 2pm, Ch10.
I agree entirely with this article. I know quite a few people (granted, they are comedy geeks) who are now watching RSC purely because of Colin Lane. I think he was quite nervous this, but there were some moments when a joke slipped out and I thought, ‘Yes, he’s going to be fine’. His rapport with the guests was, albeit a little forced, still okay. He got along quite well with Claire Hooper, for example.
However, according to TV Tonight, viewers dislike him immensely:
I would love to know the ratings of RSC with each host, because I wonder for how many people who are going to boycott the show, how many also are choosing to tune in again after the “dark days”.
Shock, horror,! Ready Steady Cook is not the same without Peter Everett. He made the show. He has a wonderful personality. I would tune in to the show knowing that it would be a fun hour and learn about different cooking techniques and to laugh along with Peter. He is an adorable character he cares about everyone male and female. There is nothing wrong with hugs , it makes you feel good. What clown decided to replace Peter? No one not even Colin Hooper could EVER replace Peter Everett, Peter is a very special person and he will be sadly missed. I will never watch RSC again while that pratt Colin is hosting……bring back PETER!!
Vanessa, just letting you know I delete the duplicate post, keeping the original post with your name updated (the second post said almost exactly the same as the first).
You’re not the first to express disappointment at Peter Everett being moved on. I think it was time for a change, and Colin Lane is an excellent replacement.
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