Of course My Kitchen Rules (1st – 1,791,000) won – that’s de rigeur for now – but it’s the other shows up against it that make for interesting results. Ch9’s Earthflight (17th – 518,000) isn’t exactly taking off; & Ch10’s The Biggest Loser (10th – 805,000) & 2012 Energy Australia Swimming Championships (22nd – 449,000) average out to 627,000. As a commercial network how do you compete with a runaway hit? I guess you don’t.

Timeslot winners (nationally):
6:00pm: Seven News – Ch7
6:30pm: Today Tonight – Ch7
7:00pm: Home and Away – Ch7
7:30pm: My Kitchen Rules – Ch7
8:30pm: Grey’s Anatomy – Ch7
9:30pm: The Footy Show(s) – Ch9

Channel 7 won the night (26.7%), followed by Channel 9 (18.6%), Channel 10 (13.2%) & ABC1 (10.4%).