(All ratings – 5 city metro combined and individual capitals – all figures in thousands)
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Primary Channels
Hel-lo ratings period for 2011. Look at what you’ve done to the schedule! Big win for Channel 9’s News as the number one program (1.637m), head and shoulders above Channel 7 (1.431m). Next week sans-ODI Cricket will likely be a more equal story. A lot of shows were welcomed back into Ch7’s schedule: Sunday Night, The Force (highest rating non-news program for the night), The Force & Castle. On the whole, they did OK too, considering they were up agsinst the Cricket which again rated strongly for Ch9.
Hawaii 5-O down slightly on last weeks 1.2m to 999K, but still a pretty good story for Ch10. Biggest Loser: Families & Modern Family both over 1 million, with Bondi Rescue & Hawaii 5-O just beneath it. With the Cricket stretching across timeslots, without the breakdowns it would be innacurate to do a timeslot comparison for Sunday night. That said, even with the Cricket on Ch9, a first night win to Ch7 over Ch9 then Ch10 trailing off.
Digital Multi-channels
Sunday night was GO!’s night for sure. Big Bang Theory eps, plus The Wedding Singer & the obligatory Two and a Half Men episode delivered it a clear win. 7mate a not-too distant second, being helped by Dodgeball as their highest rating program. Sunday night’s schedule for Eleven not lighting up the screens as much as some of the other nights are… programming changes due any tick of the clock.