Twenty years at Channel 9, and still a career before that, Peter Overton is a nightly fixture in many Sydney households as he reads the 6pm News. His on-screen life started with Ch9 as a sports reporter and developed for him to include news reporting, 60 Minutes, celebrity interviews, & the somewhat controversial move to have him at the big desk every night (and interesting to review this article given Overton just led Ch9 to a ratings win in Sydney for their 6pm News service in 2011).
In this interview he speaks candidly about life on the road, his family, and his feelings around the time his wife Jessica Rowe was sacked from Channel 9 and all the furore around it. All in all, Overton cements his reputation as a complete gentleman in how he handles the entire interview (including the sticky bits). Again, Rob McKnight carries the interview with poise and sensitivity and asks just the right questions to make for an excellent half hour’s viewing.
A must watch interview for anyone with aspirations to get into on-camera journalism.