With this season airing in the US nearly two weeks ago, some understandings of “fast-tracked” are approached loosely program to program. Where Person Of Interest has been rushed to screens in Australia within 2 days of airing in the States, not so with Survivor. At least it’s getting a run on the primary channel. For now. From the press release:
The next instalment of Survivor, with Emmy Award-winning host Jeff Probst, comes to Channel Nine with Survivor: South Pacific premiering Tuesday, September 27, at 9.30pm.
Eighteen castaways will be divided into tribes of nine: the Savaii Tribe and the Upolu Tribe, named after the two islands of Samoa. The tribes are comprised of individuals from different backgrounds who have the same ultimate goal: to be the Sole Survivor. While 16 contestants are new to the competition, two are former castaways who will be given another chance to compete for the $1 million prize.
The two former Survivors, Ozzy Lusth and Benjamin “Coach” Wade, return for a last shot at redemption. They will join separate tribes at the start of the game, but it’s up to each tribe to decide if they welcome the knowledge of an experienced veteran or view the former castaways as a threat in the ultimate battle to outwit, outplay and outlast one another.
The Redemption Island twist returns in Survivor: South Pacific. Castaways who have been eliminated from the game will have an opportunity to return and play for the million-dollar prize. Each week at Tribal Council when a castaway is voted off they will be sent to live alone on Redemption Island. In order to stay in the game they must compete in a duel against the next person eliminated.
The winner of each duel earns the right to continue fighting for a chance to return to the game and compete for the title of Sole Survivor. The loser is sent home.
Survivor: South Pacific – Tue 27/09 9.30pm, Ch9.