Big Brother Australia – Sun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9
The past 48 hours have rocked the household, with Ava being evicted, Estelle given the superpower of listening to noms (we all knew how that was going to play out), and OMG Michael being up for eviction!!!
*Insert devastation here.*
Michael is still reeling from the shock at a) being nominated and b) the correct speculation that Estelle heard his nomination, with some wise and perhaps untimely advice from Layla that somehow, somewhere, nominations always get leaked.
Poor Micky. There is something about that hair and cheeky puppy dog face (or is it the cheeky shorts, Pat Cash headwear & Gangnam Style dancing?) that just makes me want to pinch his cheeks and give him a big cuddle.
Meanwhile poor old Zoe who strategically nominated Michael for a 3 is feeling the post-nom guilts. Bradley is beating himself up over receiving the highest number of points, but totally doesn’t get it’s mostly because of his lack of enthusiasm with the chores.
Michael is still spewing that Estelle isn’t up for eviction and that BB has changed the rules without consulting him (how very dare you BB) as well as feeling totes awkies about Estelle hearing his noms.
Sam has a shirt on.
In other news, Sam doesn’t get why he’s nominated and is feeling a little hurt, especially with all the ‘strategical’ housework he has done. Can’ keep a good man down for long though as Sam is still confident that he will be in the final two sitting on the couch.
Oh, Sam has taken his shirt off and is in the pool chatting with Layla about being nominated, and now they’re kissing. Zoe continues to feel the guilts and confides in BB. She feels shocked and disappointed that her strategic vote may mean that Michael goes home, which essentially she doesn’t want.
Michael is sulking in the bathroom and gets a surprising pep-talk from Estelle who has quite nicely put the shock of Michael’s nominating her in the past. Shortly after Michael and Angie are called to the diary room to be given a strike for discussing noms. Angie: strike 1, Michael: strike 2. It’s another blow for Michael who is already down on his luck, and BB warns him that a third strike will mean he is OUT.
Dr Ben is on hand to keep Micky on the straight and narrow for the rest of the week, ensuring he maintains his audience appeal to avoid eviction. Ben wants Michael to make sure he doesn’t “stop being all the amazing things you’ve been” (AWWW) as he’s the lynchpin for many people in the house. While emotions are running high and esteem low, BB has rewards the housemates with KFC, which sends Angie into a strange crying fit, but seems to hit the spot in creating a happier house.
The next morning, the challenge to spend their money continues as Angie’s dad Andrew calls the house for a $20 spend. In a cruel twist, Angie chooses to sacrifice her chat and instead hangs up on her Dad for $200 for the good of the house, drawing applause from the housemates.
Layla took it hard as she is missing her family so much. She admits to BB in the diary room that she may not have been able to do the same as Angie.
Sam and Bradley are called to the diary room for another spend temptation package. Bradley will be an invalid patient (complete with full body cast and wheelchair) to Sam’s full-time nurse for a bargain $300- a nice way to spend a beautiful, sunny Gold Coast Spring day!
The generousity of BB continues as cool refreshments are provided, a clever distraction to allow for Michael to be called to the diary room with a “faulty” (not really) mic. Michael is instructed to grab a drink, grab Josh and clean the fishtank, drawing out a little crazy victory dance.
While cleaning the fishtank, Surley enquires about how Josh is feeling after the departure of his lady friend. Turns out Surley has had lady-troubles of his own, with a girl who was a “bit of a prawn” who it turns out was, an actual prawn.
As a treat, Surley is giving Michael and Josh access to the executive bathroom, as ‘nothing fixes a broken heart better than two bros in a barff.’
They are given a couple of wigs and a snoring machine to dress up their bed to look Very Much as though the boys are having a morning kip, which won’t draw any suspicion At All from the other HMs. Josh and Micky enter the bathroom through the secret bookshelf trapdoor.
*Insert Executive Bathroom Victory Dance*
PS. Bradley would rather eat a chilli than wear his full body cast. Just Sayin.
Nurse Sam and Broken Bradley make the discovery of the wigs and snoring machine, while Michael rubs lotion onto Josh’s chest. Nothing suss there.
Stacker and Ben have made off with the wigs and decide to do a little sour Josh and Michael skit for BB with the thought that once again other housemates are enjoying something luxurious and it’s not them. Accusations are rife as the other housemates speculate on where the Dirty Stopouts were. Stacker is hell jells over missing out on the Captain’s Quarters (Josh and Michael’s decoy hang out) as is Ben, who has a go at Zoe for talking about her own visit to CQ.
Housemates gather in the lounge as BB announces that they are able to spend more of their money at a Kissing Booth in the diary room. Josh is reduced to fits of chuckles as he enters the diary room to find a long-haired, long-bearded, akubra-wearing Old Mate standing behind the kissing booth, waiting for $10 smoochies.
The looks on the HMs faces are totally priceless as one by one they see their kissing booth subject.
Millions of people across Australia right now are asking- who the hell is this random guy in the BB house?
The HMs have deducted another $105 from their account, and once again the atmosphere has brightened.
As the day draws to a close, Layla enters the diary room for a chat to discover ballons, disco lights and music. She is the $100 cash prize winner….meaning $100 more goes in to their kitty to spend.
Estelle is still having issues with hearing Michael’s nomination of her and feels that the word “hate” is strong no matter how you use it; she is struggling to understand Michael’s justification of her nomination.
Angie who made the discovery of the bookshelf trapdoor on her first night in the house is still suspicious, investigating one more time before crawling in to bed, looking up at the camera and saying “I’m onto you Big Brother.”
I’m sure Sam has his shirt off again.
The most priceless part of the “Kissing Booth” challenge, for me, was seeing Josh and Michael race to the Diary Room together… only to be ultimately disappointed when BB told them they would not be kissing each other… hilarious, thanks BB!
Bromance, I hear you say, well sure, it’s clearly blossoming after their tub-time together… more to this than meets the eye, NOT!!!
Some of the funniest vision of the series thus far, which has been a tad mundane at times, but maybe that’s to be expected with the time-slot, as well as the lack of any live streaming (biggest let-down) or “Uplate” programming?