Big Brother AustraliaSun 6:30pm, Mon-Fri 7pm, Ch9
It’s nominations night, which means a protracted Daily Show and then really poor reasons for nominations AND THEN apparently there will be an intruder go in the house. So much in an hour and a half!

Sonia welcomes everyone to the Eviction Stadium and reminds us of everything we just learned. But first, it’s the aftermath of Sarah-two-face’s eviction. There’s some shaken bodies and tears, and at least two HMs singing “ding dong the witch is dead”.

Benjamin removes Sarah-two-face’s family photos she accidentally left behind, and he immediately shoves them down his shirt to “be closer to her”. Ray visits BB to gloat that he survived another eviction, where BB asks if he’s glad he survived the eviction and Ray recounts that the HMs have split and with Sarah-two-face gone the splintering and whispering should resolve itself.

Bradley is too busy analysing the numbers and notes he wasn’t the most popular of the nominated HMs. Too bad, so sad. Josh and Michael meanwhile talk about an impending intruder and hope she’s a smoking hot babe so that it stirs up the other girls.

In Brad’s Diary Room visit he’s sad Sarah-two-face is gone, but is intrigued as to how the House dynamics will change. BB gives him a can of pepper spray and sends him back into the House to see how ‘intriguing’ he can be.

Sarah-two-face’s farewell message is played to the House, and she starts it echoing Pauline Hanson (which makes so much sense). Benjamin gets love, as does Zoe, and yada yada yada. “Estelle, we’ve been on a journey, and, quite frankly, fuck off.” Zoe turns up in the Diary Room later to tell BB that Sarah-two-face was like her older sister she never had or wanted.

Stacey and Benjamin are talking “nom noms” when out of nowhere Bradley runs past and sprays them, shouting “Nom noms are not a word! Act like adults!”. Hilarity ensues.

Angie is called out by BB for swearing (5 in the last two minutes). She’s called to the naughty corner where, on entry, she’s met by a pile of hay. She has to find BB’s needle and isn’t allowed to leave until BB is pleased with her efforts. Straw puns ensue from the HMs, but they don’t hang around to watch for long. Reasonable too as she doesn’t even stuff any down her top to give herself a boob job.

Josh is complaining to Stacey how he’s over Angie’s behaviour now while in bed. Angie essentially gives up on the task and needs to go to the loo – she’s excused, but BB isn’t done with her yet – she will be dealt with soon. Before the ad, we meet the Intruder with the same package we saw of her last night.

Coming back from the ad, we cop a motion comic of last week’s nominations recap and the super power. It’s kitschy, but fun. This week though, the super power is different… which could make it really good (or really crap).

Sonia reminds us the HMs aren’t allowed to talk nominations with each other, and we then get a package to show the HMs are psychically connected and there’s a core group that seem to nominate the same people every week. Sadly Benjamin is branded one of the ‘brains’ and not one of the ‘bitches’.

Sonia crosses to the House to have a chat with the HMs pre-nominations. Zoe and Layla get some loving and that’s it. She calls them all out on the “hand over mouth” method of nominating but stops short of calling them stupid. Then it’s up to BB to announce that Benjamin has been awarded the super power by Sarah-two-face this week, but stops short of revealing what it is but that the advantage is just as great as last week.

The pre-recorded evicted HM read statement get sillier every week.

The HMs, except for Ben, are sent to the Nomination Room. BB tells him that he has twice the nomination power – he gets to nominate twice, giving him 10 points to use in the same method (i.e. 2 x 4 and 1 point or 3 and 2 points) which is vastly stupid as he should have been allowed to give 7 points to one HM. He’s sent to the Nomination Room and it’s game on.

Michael’s first. Michael loves Benjamin. 2 points to Estelle – she’s drifted away from reality (not unlike Michael). 3 points to Ray – “love the dude but it all comes down to what I’m getting out of the house”. Simple.

Stacey’s turn. Three points to Ray – he’s too arrogant and says “funny” things. BB has to nominate for her. Two points to Angie – she finds her quite moody sometimes. Sonia reminds us that she’s never nominated Angie before like it’s BREAKING NEWS.

George’s turn. Three points to Angie – he doesn’t like that she’s lazy and they always have to clean up after her. BB asks if he’s talked to her about it, he says no as he can’t be bothered. BB has to nominate for him. Two points to Bradley – he’s got a smart mouth.

Layla’s turn. Four points to Estelle – she finds it too hard to form a relationship with her and there are rifts in the house forming around her. One point to Bradley – He’s not changed since her nomination for him last week.

Josh’s turn. Three points to Ray – he’s too competitive and overpowering. BB reminds him that BB is a competition. Two points to Bradley – he needs too much reminding to pitch in and he’s too ignorant and has to be prompted to help out.

Ray’s turn. Four points to Angie – CHOCOLATEGATE! One point for Benjamin – because Ray’s paranoia is reasonable.

Zoe’s turn. Three points to Estelle – because she’s still a pain and she talks to hear herself speak. Two points to Ray – he’s playing the game (that really should never be allowed to be an excuse/reason, ever). BB calls her out on it, and she responds it’s because she feels he’s not being himself.

Bradley’s turn. Three points to Benjamin – this week he was too assertive and powerful. Two points for Stacey – she’s fun, but avoids serious conversations.

Benjamin’s turn. He’s called to the Diary Room where BB runs through the rules again, and casts his first nominations. Four points to Estelle – her behaviour in the House can be quite reckless. One point to Ray – he harks back to the Dance Battle issue/aggressive behaviour over a week ago. Good grief. Pause for an ad break, then back for his second nominations. Four points to Bradley – he tries every week to get close to the youngest HM each week but he finds it too hard, and Bradley says unkind things about the girls. One point to Angie – It’s a point on a hierarchy she inferred in a comment and Benjamin calls her on naming a popular group and Benjamin doesn’t think there is one or that it’s fair. He has to stay in the Diary Room after reminding him that if he talks nominations AT ALL he’ll get another strike.

Sonia has a quick chat with Benjamin, who reminds us he’s gay as by calling Sonia “Tina Sparkle”. They chat about the super power and how Benjamin felt it allowed him to vote for his own mind and for “someone who left last night”.

Angie’s turn. Three points to Estelle – she’s playing the game (should be a STRIKE!). BB calls Angie out on her reason and convinces her to talk about the honesty bit. Two points to Ray – he’s also playing the game. Just as well she’ll be nominated this week.

Estelle’s turn. Two points to Zoe – for some reason that only Estelle really understands. Three points to Stacey – because she’s been dropping too many jokes at other people’s expense.

All the HMs have nominated, and are released to the Lounge. We cross there to hear BB explain this week’s super power and reminds them all not to talk about nominations at all. So, this week, the nominees for eviction are: Estelle (16); Ray (14); Angie (10).

Now that’s out of the way, it’s time to meet intruder Ava! She reveals absolutely nothing of interest except that “she’s here to shake things up” and “has no plan at all, just to be herself”. BORING. She’s been able to watch the HMs while she’s been in lockdown and – yes, boys! – she’s single. Urgh. Her communications degree will allow her to “communicate” with them. Off she goes, off to add so very little to an already broken scenario.

Recap on the intruder speculation, and then Sonia crosses to the House so we can see “Ava enter the BB House”. Except that she goes into the Captain’s Quarters. By herself. There’s so much ooh-ing and ahh-ing by her you’d think we suddenly got an adults only episode. She’ll stay there by herself until she’s told otherwise.


Sonia assures us that Ava will be met by one of the male HMs in the Captain’s Quarters before being let into GenPop. Ooh, the sauciness. Good grief.