TV Guide for week ending 07/12/13

TV Guide for week ending 07/12/13

FIRST RATINGS WEEK FOR 2013/2014 SUMMER. 2013 week 49; Non-ratings week 1. All times AEST unless noted otherwise. [Key: Must Watch; Molk Picks; Everything else worth a look but at your own risk.] MOLK RECOMMENDS Sunday Junior Eurovision 2013 – Sun 6pm, SBS2...
TV Guide for week ending 30/11/13

TV Guide for week ending 30/11/13

FINAL RATINGS WEEK FOR 2013. 2013 week 48; Ratings week 40. All times AEST unless noted otherwise. [Key: Must Watch; Molk Picks; Everything else worth a look but at your own risk.] MOLK RECOMMENDS Sunday David Attenborough’s Living With Baboons – Sun 6pm, Ch10...
TV Guide for week ending 23/11/13

TV Guide for week ending 23/11/13

2013 week 47; Ratings week 39. All times AEST unless noted otherwise. [Key: Must Watch; Molk Picks; Everything else worth a look but at your own risk.] MOLK RECOMMENDS Sunday David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities (S01E03/E04 of 5) – Sun 6:30pm, Ch10 Sunday...
@channelten go into bat this Summer

@channelten go into bat this Summer

Network Ten will roll out a big summer program schedule for TEN, ELEVEN and ONE, kicking off on the first day of summer, December 1. With cricket, fast-tracked US programs, premiere family movies, Jamie Oliver Christmas specials and a continuing quiz show, TEN is set...