by SteveMolk | Nov 21, 2012 | Featured, Previews
…And you think you’ve got problems… Sam Simmons is a reasonable bloke. He likes the simple things in life – a shining sun, tacos every Tuesday night (especious secreto), & custom-made specially-designed bread shoes. His problems...
by SteveMolk | Oct 28, 2012 | Featured, Previews
Sam Simmons is a weird dude. Weird in the good way, like Weird Al weird – not in the bad way like your drunk uncle cornering you at Christmas. With a stellar supporting cast including neighbours Anthony Morgan and Lawrence Mooney, Claudia O’Doherty, Laura...
by SteveMolk | Oct 2, 2012 | Featured, Network News
Australia has always struggled to deliver good sketch comedy consistently. We’ve had it in spits and spurts, but then the networks stop funding it, presumably because good sketch comedy costs a lot of money to make. This announcement from ABC1 that they’re...
by SteveMolk | Mar 5, 2012 | Featured, Network News
The news of Andrew Denton’s return to TV was enough to secure interest in Randling, though the announcement of the 20 team members who will compete has added extra interest (especially considering they’ve started filming the show proper – go to the...