Well isn’t this fun. Look at those guys having fun. Andrew seems like a fun guy. So does Paul – but look out, he might say what he really thinks (in a fun way though). There’s Kathryn, reminding us she’s a mum and she’s fun too. How much fun is Magdelena? She loves the weather because it’s so much fun.
That’s what Ch10 want you expect from their upcoming Breakfast, starting Monday 27 Feburary at 6am, running for three hours each day. The show will be split somewhat: the first hour from 6am will be seen as “Breakfast – Early” and more news-based; the final two hours from 7am will carry the “Breakfast” moniker and though still keeping you up to date with all the latest news on the half hour, be a little more relaxed and light hearted. You might even say… fun…
Nice-ish promo, I found it hilarious that they would simply come out and say Rochford is the ‘hot doctor’ lol. No love for Magdalena?
I will give it a bit of a go but then its straight back to Sunrise for me.
If it dumbs down news and current affairs to the degree that The Project does, my TV might be sent sailing out the nearest window.